This Week in Lotus - Week 10 - 2023

Posted March 10, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

Lotus v1.20.3 As you might have noticed, there’s a new patch release of Lotus, Lotus v1.20.3. While this is a patch release target for node operators and API service providers that run ETH RPC services, it’s an optional release for SPs.

That said, we would kindly ask SPs to upgrade to v1.20.3 on your daemon, as the v1.20.3 release includes an update to the replacement message fee logic to help include update message replacements from developers using Ethereum tools like MetaMask. Help our smart contract developer friends out by updating to this version on your daemon node 🤝

🥧 Network upgrade preparations Now that the network upgrade is right around the corner you might have some concerns if you upgraded correctly or have questions about how heavy the migration is; so let us run through a checklist that you can do before the upgrade day!

1. Check that you are on the right commit.

  • There is a commit hash in the GitHub Lotus release page on the left-hand side of the release version and it is marked with a :github-check-mark:. Check that this is similar to the one in your lotus version output.

2. Check that you have the correct Manifest CID for nv18.

  • Check the output of lotus state actor-cids --network-version 18, it should equal to this Manifest CID:
Network Version: 18
Actor Version: 10
Manifest CID: bafy2bzacecsuyf7mmvrhkx2evng5gnz5canlnz2fdlzu2lvcgptiq2pzuovos

If your Manifest CID is not similar to this please reach out to us in #fil-lotus-help, and we will help you get it updated correctly.

3. How will the network upgrade migration be like?

  • The network 18 upgrade migration will be extremely light. There are no pre-migrations, no expected null tipsets after the upgrade epoch or heavy block validation times. The whole migration is expected to take less than 1 minute to complete, and you should see a COMPLETED migration message fairly fast after epoch 2683348.

That’s it for the week! Have a great weekend! ☀️