This Week in Lotus - Week 13

Posted April 1, 2022 by  ‐ 2 min read

👋 Hey everyone and welcome to anyone who is new in this channel! It has been yet another busy week in Lotus-land and in this update we will highlight some of the issues we have seen lately, recent bugfixes for common issues and upcoming features that are in testing.

👀 Issues we have seen frequently this week

  • We have seen multiple instances of looping logs which makes the kvlog grow huge and cause data corruption issues. The dev-team has merged a couple of fixes that should address this (see bugfix-section). There still might be edge cases so we will be on the lookout for those going forward.
  • Chain options / which chain to use - it´s not clear enough on our docs that SP´s do not need the full chain. We´ll be doing a docs-audit the next couple of weeks so hopefully we can make this clearer.

Bugfixes for common issues

New features

  • You can now sync your Lotus-node with the FVM!! Checkout the v1.15.1-rc4 and set the LOTUS_USE_FVM_EXPERIMENTAL=1 environment variable before you run Lotus. NOTE: The current build can only sync main-net! Calibnet is not supported.
  • The long awaited PoSt-workers are now in initial testing with the SPX-group. Check the PoSt worker testing discussion to follow along the testing phase. Hopefully we can comfortably recommend Storage Providers to start testing this next week.

That’s it for the week! Have a great weekend! ☀️