This Week in Lotus - Week 26 - 2023

Posted June 30, 2023 by  ‐ 2 min read

👋 Hey everyone and welcome to This Week in Lotus!

🩹 Patch-releases fixing syncing issue

We published two patch releases (v1.22.2 and v1.23.2) containing a fix for the syncing issues reported by multiple node operators and SPs in #10906.

The syncing issue was related to Lotus’ gossipsub validation logic wrongly rejecting duplicate messages, and Lotus automatically republishing messages in its mpool every ~5 min. Nodes who automatically republished their pending messages were incorrectly penalized, and as a result, they were pruned from the topics by their peers, and this prevented them from learning about new blocks through gossipsub.

The syncing issue was therefore more prominent for users that had messages that usually remains in the message pool for extended periods (like PublishStorageDeals messages for example).

We recommend all our users to upgrade to the patch release to overall increase the network health!

SnapDeals sector selection fix

We merged a PR this week that should fix an issue where the Lotus-Miner wrongly allowed deals to be assigned to available sectors that had a duration longer then 90 days of the underlying deal term, causing the sector to move onto the SnapDealsWaitDeals state, only to fail later on with the following message:

DEBUG	sectors	pipeline/sealing.go:179	deal not assignable to sector	{"sector": "185", "deal": 37635978, "dealEnd": "4036481", "dealStart": "2884481", "dealClaimEnd": "4295681", "lastAssignedDealEnd": "0", "update": true, "sectorExpiration": "4436749", "reason": "term end beyond sector expiration"}

The fix will be included in the next feature release candidate train (v1.23.3-rc1), which is expected to be published next week.

That’s it for the week! Have a great weekend! ☀️