Dynamic retrieval pricing is being deprecated

Lotus allows you to set different policies to calculate the quoted price of a retrieval deal. The two available policies are Default, and External.

Policy nameDescription
DefaultLotus is shipped with an in-built default pricing policy that offers free retrievals for verified unsealed deals. Miners can still charge clients for data transfer if they wish to by turning off free data transfer for verified deals in the Miner config. Miners can also charge clients for unsealing if they don’t have an unsealed sector file to retrieve the deal payload from.
ExternalMiners can configure an external pricing script for Lotus to use instead of the default pricing policy to price retrieval deals. The script will be called with the relevant deal parameters, and the output quote will be used by Lotus to price deals.

Default policy

The default pricing policy uses the price configured in the Ask Store, set using the lotus-miner retrieval-deals set-ask CLI command, to price all retrieval deals. However, it will not charge for data transfer if there exists a verified storage deal for the payload being retrieved. This behavior can be turned off by setting the VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer flag to false in the DealMaking.RetrievalPricing section of the config:

Strategy = "default"
VerifiedDealsFreeTransfer = false

It will also not charge for unsealing if we already have an unsealed sector file containing the retrieval payload.

External policy

Users can configure an external pricing script, similar to the deal filter mechanism, that takes a JSON marshaled PricingInput as the input and outputs a JSON marshaled Ask, also known as the quote. The PricingInput struct is defined as follows:

type PricingInput struct {
    // PayloadCID is the cid of the payload to retrieve.
    PayloadCID cid.Cid

    // PieceCID is the cid of the Piece from which the Payload will be retrieved.
    PieceCID cid.Cid

    // PieceSize is the size of the Piece from which the payload will be retrieved.
    PieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize

    // Client is the peerID of the retrieval client.
    Client peer.ID

    // VerifiedDeal is true if there exists a verified storage deal for the PayloadCID.
    VerifiedDeal bool

    // Unsealed is true if there exists an unsealed sector from which we can retrieve the given payload.
    Unsealed bool

    // CurrentAsk is the ask configured in the ask-store via the `lotus retrieval-deals set-ask` CLI command.
    CurrentAsk Ask

The output Ask is defined as:

type Ask struct {
    PricePerByte            abi.TokenAmount
    UnsealPrice             abi.TokenAmount
    PaymentInterval         uint64
    PaymentIntervalIncrease uint64

To use this mode instead of the default above, the DealMaking.RetrievalPricing section of the config needs to be configured to use the external pricing policy and needs to be given the absolute path of the pricing script:

Strategy = "external"
Path = "/var/script"