Legacy lotus-miner markets connectivity

Filecoin miners, like participants in all peer-to-peer protocols, require a steady and quality pool of peers to communicate with in order to perform their various functions. This complements the connectivity section in the setup instructions and the seal workers guide.

Finding your public IP address

Usually, you can find your public IP address using a service like ifconfig.me. Running the following command from the miner machine shows which IP is seen by others:

curl ifconfig.me

Testing connectivity to your an IP address/port

There are different methods to test this:

  • For checking publicly-accessible IPs, you can use one of the many online checkers like this, or this.
  • For LANs (but also for public IPs), you use the netcat tool from a different computer: ncat -w 5 <PUBLIC_IP> <PORT> (if it returns with a non-zero exit code or an error it means that a connection cannot be stablished.
  • Also Telnet: telnet <PUBLIC_IP> <PORT>.
  • You can use your favourite search engine for more ways specifically related to your setup and environment.

Lotus miner reachability

When the lotus miner is running and reachable, it should report it with:

$ lotus-miner net reachability
AutoNAT status:  Public
Public address:  /ip4/<IP>/tcp/<port>

Verify that the Public address corresponds to what you expect. AutoNAT status: Private means that the Lotus Miner is not reachable on any of the announced addresses.

Checking peer count

To ensure storage and retrieval deals operate smoothly, it is recommended to check how many peers a miner is connected to after each start-up:

lotus-miner net peers
QmUhB2wFQb4qsLZyoqVczMs6CgxSzQqij6gzmJ33Qeq8yn, [/ip4/<IP>/tcp/<port>]
12D3KooWSVkZMoALKwWQpnkZoAHyPV1jYpciJ5ngwFSRv5LgWkwU, [/ip4/<IP>/tcp/<port>]

The peer count should increase soon after starting the miner. You can also manually connect to peers with:

lotus-miner net connect <address1> <address2>...

An list of bootstrap peers is available for mainnet Bootstrap peers are unique per network, so be sure to use the list corresponding to your desired network. Other bootstrap lists are located here.

Port forwarding

If you are running on a NAT’ed environment (i.e. the usual case in a home setup, where there is a router that controls access from and to the internet), sometimes it is necessary to enable port forwarding from an external port to the miner’s port.

Obtaining a public IP

If you do not control the NAT/Firewall that your device is behind (such as within enterprise networks and other firewalls), there is an alternative solution for you. You can set up a relay endpoint so that your miner can relay its internet traffic through an external, publicly dialable endpoint.

There are multiple ways to achieve this:

  • Using A VPN service. We recommend Wireguard-powered IPv6 VPN services which will provide you with a publicly routable IPv6 address.
  • Using an SSH Reverse Tunnel to set up a proxy between a machine with a public IP and the miner.

Common errors

The troubleshooting page has a list of common connectivity errors.