Lotus Node Clusters

Version 1.19.0 introduces redundant Lotus node cluster raft consensus in order to maintain consistent state for nonces and messages being published in the event of Lotus node failure.

Configure the original Lotus node

This document assumes that the reader is already fully operational with at least one Lotus node and miner instance.

  1. Stop both miner and daemon instances.
  2. Browse to your /.lotus repo folder and edit the config.toml file changing [API] ListenAddress and [Libp2p] ListenAddress:
ListenAddress = "/ip4/"
ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/2222"]

Configure the second Lotus node

  1. Create a new repo folder for the second node instance such as /.lotus-2.
  2. In a new terminal session set the Lotus path for the second lotus node with LOTUS_PATH=/home/usersname/.lotus-2.
  3. Initialize the new node by importing a lightweight snapshot and wait until it has fully synced.
  4. Stop the second Lotus node and edit the /.lotus-2/config.toml file changing [API] ListenAddress and [Libp2p] ListenAddress
ListenAddress = "/ip4/"
ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/3333"]
  1. Restart the second node and import Lotus wallet keys from the original node to the second node.

Configure the third Lotus node

  1. Create a new repo folder for the third node instance such as /.lotus-3.
  2. In a new terminal session set the Lotus path for the third lotus node with LOTUS_PATH=/home/usersname/.lotus-3.
  3. Initialize the new node by importing a lightweight snapshot and wait until it has fully synced.
  4. Stop the third Lotus node and edit the /.lotus-3/config.toml file changing [API] ListenAddress and [Libp2p] ListenAddress
ListenAddress = "/ip4/"
ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/", "/ip6/::/tcp/4444"]
  1. Restart the third node and import Lotus wallet keys from the original node to the third node.

Configuring Raft Consensus / Redundant Chain nodes

  1. There is now a new section in the config.toml file for the lotus node, called [Cluster]. If you don’t see this section in your own config.toml, please run lotus config default and copy the new section across.
  2. Whilst all three nodes and your miner are running, configure the config.toml for all three nodes as below. You can get the multiaddress for your nodes by checking the output of lotus net listen for all three daemons:
ClusterModeEnabled = true
InitPeersetMultiAddr = ["/ip4/","/ip4/","/ip4/"]
  1. On the lotus-miner unset any LOTUS_PATH environment variables, and add the full node api info for the three daemons: export FULLNODE_API_INFO=<node0_info>,<node1_info>,<node2_info>. You can get API-keys for each node by lotus auth api-info --perm admin. The format for each nodes info is like this: export FULLNODE_API_INFO=<api_token>:/ip4/<lotus_daemon_ip>/tcp/<lotus_daemon_port>/http
  1. Restart all daemon and miner instances, stop the lotus-miner first followed by the three nodes.
  2. Start all three nodes followed by the lotus-miner.
  3. You are now running raft consensus through node clustering.
  4. You can check that the cluster is successfully running and determine the current node leader by running ./lotus-shed rpc --version v1 RaftLeader.

Cluster config options

You can tune your cluster to your own unique requirements in the config.toml of the three nodes by editing the [Cluster] section.

  # EXPERIMENTAL. config to enabled node cluster with raft consensus
  # type: bool
  #ClusterModeEnabled = false

  # A folder to store Raft's data.
  # type: string
  #DataFolder = ""

  # InitPeersetMultiAddr provides the list of initial cluster peers for new Raft
  # peers (with no prior state). It is ignored when Raft was already
  # initialized or when starting in staging mode.
  # type: []string
  #InitPeersetMultiAddr = []

  # LeaderTimeout specifies how long to wait for a leader before
  # failing an operation.
  # type: Duration
  #WaitForLeaderTimeout = "15s"

  # NetworkTimeout specifies how long before a Raft network
  # operation is timed out
  # type: Duration
  #NetworkTimeout = "1m40s"

  # CommitRetries specifies how many times we retry a failed commit until
  # we give up.
  # type: int
  #CommitRetries = 1

  # How long to wait between retries
  # type: Duration
  #CommitRetryDelay = "200ms"

  # BackupsRotate specifies the maximum number of Raft's DataFolder
  # copies that we keep as backups (renaming) after cleanup.
  # type: int
  #BackupsRotate = 6

  # Tracing enables propagation of contexts across binary boundaries.
  # type: bool
  #Tracing = false

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