
A miner can be configured with an owner address, a worker address, and additional control addresses. These allow granularity in how the funds sent and received from the miner are managed and provide additional security to the mining operation.

During miner initialization, a miner actor is created on the chain, and this actor gives the miner its ID f0.... The miner actor is in charge of collecting all the payments sent to the miner. For example, when a payment is sent for honoring the different types of deals, that payment goes to the miner actor, not the miner itself.

The Lotus Miner daemon performs the operations required by the network and can use different Lotus node wallets to pay the fees or interact with the miner actor. Check out the set up section for more information on how to manage Lotus wallets.

The currently configured addresses used by a miner can be listed with:

lotus-miner actor control list
name         ID      key        use              balance
owner        f01234  f3defg...                   300 FIL
worker       f01111  f3abcd...  other            300 FIL
beneficiary  f01234  f3defg...  other            300 FIL  
control-0    f02222  f3defg...  post             100 FIL

The different types of addresses associated with a miner are described below:

The owner address

The owner address corresponds to a Lotus node address provided during the miner initialization. The owner address is only needed when:

  • Changing the owner or the worker address in the miner actor.
  • Withdrawing balance from the miner actor.
  • Submit WindowPoSts, unless control addresses are defined and have enough balance (continued below).

The address chosen to be the miner’s owner address is designed to be kept offline in cold storage, or backed up by a hardware wallet. In production environments, we strongly recommend using separate owner and worker addresses.

The owner address can be updated with the following command:

lotus-miner actor set-owner --really-do-it <new address> <old address> && lotus-miner actor set-owner --really-do-it <new address> <new address>
Message CID: bafy2bzacebdjlbjqm5654nkmvev7epmjn3ki7z4yveycjkzm7hcypig232x4q
message succeeded!
Message CID: bafy2bzacebapq2fj5vw4icuu3wlafuzz5h7rky32kzkvh42fdi5wrmadm4ub2
message succeeded!

The old and the new address must be available to the Lotus node. You can create a new address or import an existing one.

Beneficiary address

A beneficiary address is a special purpose address which takes over the financial control from the owner address for a given quota and time, but does not take over the owner addresses privileges. The separation of owner and beneficiary brings more flexibility in the Filecoin financing market.

You can propose changing the beneficiary address with:

lotus-miner actor propose-change-beneficiary <beneficiaryAddress> <quota> <expiration>
  • beneficiaryAddress is the address you want to become a beneficiary for the given SP.
  • quota is the amount of FIL this beneficiary is allowed to withdraw before it expires.
  • expiration chain epoch at which the beneficiary address expires.

As an example we can change the beneficiary address with a quota of 5 FIL and an expiration epoch height of 12000 with this command:

lotus-miner actor propose-change-beneficiary t3v43szapdkxo4s5hhmtyvxcvcr4lkaegghlkc3anlw7iuktsg25wckebkpk2t2qz7sreinte34oajdxzerykq 5 12000
Propose Message CID: bafy2bzacebj2ifmxsttxtsu6oyosocyrjmduphtzq55njfmwmasehi4i5o7e2
Beneficiary address change awaiting additional confirmations

In lotus-miner info you can now see that the new beneficiary info has been proposed:

Beneficiary:    t01223
Pending Beneficiary Term:
New Beneficiary:        t01671
New Quota:      5000000000000000000
New Expiration: 12000
Approved By Beneficiary:        true
Approved By Nominee:    false

For the change to take effect, the proposed new beneficiary address needs to confirm the proposal:

lotus-miner actor confirm-change-beneficiary --new-beneficiary=true <minerID>
Confirming Pending Beneficiary Term of:
Beneficiary:  t01671
Quota: 5000000000000000000
Expiration Epoch: 12000
Confirm Message CID: bafy2bzacebkxdcxc2poxspjfyi65uvlflqydi4vsuodxqd5go7dmr32x5mtt6
Beneficiary address successfully changed

In you lotus-miner info command that the change has been confirmed, and what is left of the beneficiaries quota:

Beneficiary:    t01671
Beneficiary Quota:      5000000000000000000
Beneficiary Used Quota: 0
Beneficiary Expiration: 12000

To withdraw balance the withdrawal method can be called by the beneficiary address or the owner address, but the balance will always be sent to the beneficiary. The total balance withdrawn to a beneficiary address canΒ΄t exceed its quota or after the expiration epoch has passed.

Revert beneficiary address

To revert the address back to the owner address after the expiration epoch or the quota of the beneficiary address has been filled, you will need to propose changing the beneficiary address back to the owner address with 0-values for the quota and expiration.

lotus-miner actor propose-change-beneficiary <owner> 0 0
Propose Message CID: bafy2bzacedsn3tkikqvt7wo3g7nrqjkbqojcbpasqnib32ihrjqgryqfhokoa
Beneficiary address successfully changed

If you want to revert the beneficiary address due to setting the wrong parameters or before the quota/expiration has been met, the owner and beneficiary can work together to revert it back to the owner address:

  1. First the Owner proposes to change the current beneficiary address back to itself:
lotus-miner actor propose-change-beneficiary <owner> 0 0
Propose Message CID: bafy2bzacecwio3kq2mnhm5r5i6iakzfbebq27j26v5gn6wakdoffupe4zcxqc
Beneficiary address change awaiting additional confirmations
  1. Beneficiary address confirms the change back to the owner:
./lotus-shed actor confirm-change-beneficiary --existing-beneficiary <minerID>
Confirming Pending Beneficiary Term of:
Beneficiary:  f0102
Quota: 0
Expiration Epoch: 0
Confirm Message CID: bafy2bzacea4wdob4f5c4rywkhxwinqkxkxcz7xatzi72qi2w3dmnw4nwnnr52
Beneficiary address successfully changed

The worker address

The worker address is used to send and pay for day-to-day operations performed by the miner:

  • Initializing the miner on the chain.
  • Changing the miner peer id or the multiaddresses.
  • Interacting with market and payment channel actors.
  • Signing new blocks.
  • Submitting proofs, declaring faults. WindowPoSts are submitted using the worker address if:
    • Control addresses are not defined or do not have enough balance.
    • The owner address does not have enough balance.

Unlike the owner address, the address set as the miner’s worker address should be part of the Lotus local wallet and accessible by the miner. The Lotus Miner will trigger all the necessary transactions using the Lotus node to which it is connected. The worker address must have enough funds to pay for the day-to-day operations of the miner, including initialization.

Control addresses

Control addresses are used to submit WindowPoSts proofs to the chain. WindowPoSt is the mechanism through which storage is verified in Filecoin and is required by miners to submit proofs for all sectors every 24 hours. Those proofs are submitted as messages to the blockchain and therefore need to pay the respective fees.

Many mining-related actions require sending messages to the chain, but not all of those are as high-value as WindowPoSts. By using control addresses you can stop the first transaction holding up a line of transactions. This blocking problem is known as head-of-line blocking.

Multiple control addresses can be created and configured. The first control address that has enough funds to submit a WindowPoSt transaction will be used. If there are no control addresses with sufficient funds then the owner address will be used. If the owner address has insufficient funds, or is unavailable, then the worker address will be used to submit a WindowPoSt.

Otherwise, Lotus fails over to the owner and ultimately to the worker address.

To set up a control address:

  1. Create a new address and send it some funds for gas fees:

    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus send --from <address> f3defg... 100
  2. Inform the miner of the new address:

    lotus-miner actor control set --really-do-it f3defg...
    Add f3defg...
    Message CID: bafy2...
  3. Wait for the message to land on chain:

    lotus state wait-msg bafy2...
    Exit Code: 0
  4. Check the miner control address list to make sure the address was correctly added:

    lotus-miner actor control list
    name       ID      key        use              balance
    owner      f01234  f3defg...                   300 FIL
    worker     f01111  f3abcd...  other            300 FIL
    control-0  f02222  f3defg...  post             100 FIL

Repeat this procedure to add additional addresses.

  1. You can specify other actor to check control address:
lotus-miner --actor f01000 actor control list

Use control addresses for all messages

Clean up the tasks required for your worker address by setting your control addresses to perform pre-commits, commits, publish deals and terminate. By default, the worker address will act as a fallback address if any of the control addresses are out of funds. See .lotusminer config.toml for more information.

  1. Create five control addresses. Control addresses can be any type of address: secp256k1 or bls:

    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus wallet new bls
    lotus wallet list
    Address    Balance  Nonce  Default
    f3defg...  0 FIL    0      X
    f3vst2...  0 FIL    0
    f3uuyr...  0 FIL    0
    f3wywg...  0 FIL    0
    f3qtma...  0 FIL    0
  2. Add some funds into those five addresses.

  3. Wait for around 5 minutes for the addresses to be assigned IDs.

  4. Get ID of those addresses:

    lotus wallet list -i
     Address    ID        Balance                   Nonce  Default
     f3defg...  f02222    0.59466768102284489 FIL   1      X
     f3vst2...  f03333    0.4 FIL                   0
     f3uuyr...  f04444    0.4 FIL                   0
     f3wywg...  f05555    0.4 FIL                   0
     f3qtma...  f06666    0.4 FIL                   0
  5. Add control addresses:

    lotus-miner actor control set --really-do-it f02222 f03333 f04444 f05555 f06666
     Add f3defg...
     Add f3vst2...
     Add f3uuyr...
     Add f3wywg...
     Add f3qtma...
     Message CID: bafy2bzacecfryzmwe5ghsazmfzporuybm32yw5q6q75neyopifps3c3gll6aq
  6. Wait for around 5 minutes to be sure that the message has landed.

  7. Add the newly created addresses into the miner config under the [Addresses] section:

        PreCommitControl = ["f3vst2..."]
        CommitControl = ["f3uuyr..."]
        TerminateControl = ["f3qtma..."]
        DealPublishControl = ["f3wywg..."]
  8. Restart lotus-miner.

  9. Done!

      lotus-miner actor control list
    name       ID      key        use              balance
    owner      f01234  f3zdes...                   300 FIL
    worker     f01111  f3abcd...  other            0.4 FIL
    control-0  f02222  f3defg...  post             0.4 FIL
    control-1  f03333  f3vst2...  precommit        0.4 FIL
    control-2  f04444  f3uuyr...  commit           0.4 FIL
    control-3  f05555  f3wywg...  deals            0.4 FIL
    control-4  f06666  f3qtma...  terminate        0.4 FIL

Managing balances

Get the balances associated with a miner wallet by calling info:

lotus-miner info
Miner: f01000 (32 GiB sectors)
Power: 1 Pi / 1 Ei (100.0000%)
        Raw: 1 PiB / 1 PiB (100.0000%)
        Committed: 1 PiB
        Proving: 1 PiB
Projected average block win rate: 1000/week (every 1h0m0s)
Projected block win with 99.9% probability every 2h0m0s
(projections DO NOT account for future network and miner growth)

Miner Balance:    123456.789 FIL
      PreCommit:  0
      Pledge:     122965.789 FIL
      Vesting:    250 FIL
      Available:  250 FIL
Market Balance:   0 FIL
       Locked:    0 FIL
       Available: 0 FIL
Worker Balance:   500 FIL
       Control:   600 FIL
Total Spendable:  1350 FIL

In this example, the miner ID is f01000, it has a total balance of 123456.789 FIL, and an available balance of 250 FIL that can be used as collateral or to pay for the pledge. The worker balance is 500 FIL and the control balance is 600 FIL. Control balance combines all funds in the control addresses and Total Spendable combines Available, Worker Balance and Control balances.

Control addresses is a good way to avoid stuck messages in your local mpool, but it can still happen occasionally. A good practice is to keep track of the basefee and always have enough FIL in the control addresses. Adjust your fees limits in .lotusminer config.toml accordingly.

    MaxPreCommitGasFee = "0.025 FIL"
    MaxCommitGasFee = "0.05 FIL"
    MaxTerminateGasFee = "0.5 FIL"
    MaxWindowPoStGasFee = "5 FIL"
    MaxPublishDealsFee = "0.05 FIL"
  name       ID      key        use              balance
  owner      f01234  f3zdes...                   300 FIL
  worker     f01111  f3abcd...  other            50 FIL
  control-0  f02222  f3defg...  post             10 FIL
  control-1  f03333  f3vst2...  precommit        100 FIL
  control-2  f04444  f3uuyr...  commit           200 FIL
  control-3  f05555  f3wywg...  deals            50 FIL
  control-4  f06666  f3qtma...  terminate        10 FIL

Withdrawing funds from the Miner actor

Transfer funds from the Miner actor address to the owner address by calling actor withdraw:

lotus-miner actor withdraw <amount>
Requested rewards withdrawal in message bafy2bzacebcvcq7gcgyzpovyzhlz2jiztphzvyfvutbvz4riefqd5pegulz6e
waiting for 5 epochs for confirmation..
Successfully withdrew <amount> FIL 

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